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How To Engage Your Audience On Instagram
- June 6, 2022
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- WiseCrowMedia
Introduction: Using Instagram As A Tool To Connect
3 Ways To Engage Your Audience On Instagram.
Having a dialogue: Ask – Listen – Respond.
Promoting the value
Being passionate
Instagram Accounts: Observations & Analysis
Creating An Engaged Community Of Followers

Instagram has become the best way to engage with our audiences. Be it any business, big or small, a good Instagram presence can impact its success in a huge way. But just having a presence on social media is not enough. Only if the audience is able to connect with the content and people behind the brand, it can help build an engaged community.
Instagram is not an ideal place to pitch your services or product, it’s rather a tool to engage with your audience directly and create a loyal community of followers. It’s a great opportunity to connect with your audiences and explore your brand or services from their point of view.
People are on Instagram to connect with other people, add value to their lives, get inspired, or just binge on visually pleasing content. So keeping it real is what works best, whether you are a business, influencer, or service provider.
Think about it from your point of view. What makes you follow a particular Instagram account? Unless and until it’s providing you a certain kind of value: be it emotional or intellectual, you won’t press that follow button.

There are 3 things that help create an engaged community on Instagram:
Having a dialogue: Ask – Listen – Respond
It’s highly important to engage with the audience to understand what they are liking or what they are not interested in. Being directly in touch with the customer, it’s only right to observe what they want and take their feedback from time to time to be able to communicate with them more effectively.
Promoting the value
Projecting a clear understanding of the value that your product or service is providing is a must to lead your customer to follow you and grow your community online.
Being passionate
People on Instagram follow accounts that are driven to add some value to their lives. They are attracted to people/ businesses that are able to reflect their passion in the most honest way possible too without any filters.
Instagram Accounts: Observations & Analysis
Let’s observe the Instagram account of a cold-pressed juice brand and understand these three points in length.
Below are some posts on their account which have got the least number of likes.
One thing that is common in all these posts is that they all seem very fabricated and are created from a sales point of view. In short, they are far from seeming real and relatable.

Whereas, the below posts on the same page have garnered more likes and comments. Now if the social media strategist of this brand follows the second rule of ask-listen-respond, and takes a step back to observe what’s working for their social media, the answer is pretty clear. The posts which are more photo-based, look and feel more real and authentic, have worked much better for them.

Here are some Instagram accounts that are killing it in terms of engagement.

You will observe that besides promoting their value, their focus is also on creating an engaged community which helps if you are planning to keep your account active for a long period of time as it helps create loyal followership.
Upscale your business
with an effective
social media strategy.
Of all adults with Internet access, 71% use social media.
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